Monday, October 13, 2008

The journey begins. . .

Today I left my summer digs and went to my fiance's parents for the start of Sukkot. In honor of the year (7 months) I will spend in Israel, I am creating the blog to share Torah-thoughts and other thoughts I find interesting over the year.

Will this be a daily writing practice? A written meditation? A weekly parshanut discussion? Will I join Rashi or Rambam or Rashbam in the annals of history and Jewish texts? Do I have any such ambitions?

Will I reflect on theology or my theology? Gillman? Tucker? Kaplan? Heschel?

I honestly do not know.

For know, I am trying not to begin missing my friends and loved ones before I even leave.

The last few weeks have been like slowly pulling a bandaid off. This Wednesday night, the last remnants will be removed. Will it be a sudden sting or a slower tearing of my heart?

We shall find out.

For now, a holiday when I am commanded to be happy, in a Sukkah I helped build, with my sister and my fiance and her parents. It should be lovely.

I am excited and terrified, terrified and excited. My enthusiasm is currently in hiding, but I hope to bring it out soon. I think that is exactly how I should be.

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