Monday, December 1, 2008

more time

I want more time. I want to reorganize days to include more than 24 hours and weeks to include 8 days. I think it would make life better. It might also require the adjustment of laws of physics and of the universe, but I'd be happier. Is that a good enough reason to change the world?

Today was a very long day. I have tons of homework. I managed to do a bit of it. There is always tomorrow! Also, had some cooling off time in the old city--although I was overheating at the wall! In the sunshine, it felt like it was in the mid 80s, but I don't think it was quite that warm.

Perhaps tomorrow I will learn more Hebrew and will not be so frustrated with this arduous process.

Tomorrow will be better. Isn't it always?

1 comment:

Samuel said...

It's as good a reason as any to change the world.

Maybe we should expect more subtle, realistic changes - but then again, if we did, would we ever accomplish anything?